The Rookery Building

The rookery building is the iconic one in Chicago's Downtown Financial District. It is considered the universal masterpiece of all time. The building was made by the famous architects burnin and written in the year 1888 The building was made to bring some business environment in Chicago's districts.
The design and architecture of the building are very much attractive the arrangement of natural lights in the office will make People experience a fresh atmosphere. And we can acquire a homeliness here. We will experience maximized comfort.
         The atrium's brick wall will bring light to the inner offices. And the open-roofed entrance circulates the air also.
       The bold experiments of Chicago's architecture reflect in the Rookery building. A significant part of the construction lies in the light court, which provides natural light to the offices. 
     Rookery building May is not a tourist place or even a space for leisure. But there is something here that makes the people curious. The art and experiments of construction may lie in Chicago architecture. So this can cause to make people curious about cats. Anyone can visit the first floor, the light Court lo be from Monday to Friday for free.


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